Day 170: Paella En Espanol

Day 170 was carbo-loading day for the Chattahoochee Road Runners 10K. I know it's probably really unnecessary to carbo-load for a 10K, but it makes me feel more like a runner, so I do it anyway. I found that one day after Mark had made paella for dinner, I had a really good run, so I suggested that we do it again before the 10K.

Superstitious? Maybe.

Excuse to have paella? Definitely.

So instead of just HAVING paella, I needed to LEARN about paella in Spanish.

Why? Because I do New Things, dammit.

So yes, you put your pollo (chicken) and chorizo (chorizo) in a sarten de hierro fundido (cast iron skillet), with a little bit of aceite de olive. After that cooks up a little bit, you add pimientons  (bell peppers), cebolla (onions), cebolleta (scallions) and cebollino (chives).  Add a little tomillo (thyme), ajo (garlic) and sal y pimiento (salt and pepper) to taste. Let that cook and get happy. Add your arroz (rice) with azafran (saffron) and cover with a layer of de caldo de pollo (chicken stock). Place camarones on top and cover with lamina de aluminio (aluminum foil). Garnish with cal (lime).

Now I know every noun in the dish paella in Spanish.

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