Day 20: Taking My Magazines Seriously

While purchasing magazines for the troops, I came across the newest edition of ELLE, with Lauren Conrad on the cover. I'm a sucker for both, and I figured that my altruistic "something new" for day 18 warranted an indulgence for myself, so I plopped that fashion mag in my basket. Hey, no one is perfect.

Luckily, my friend Katie's soon-to-be husband, Rian, offered up a great idea for how to challenge myself with my new treat--by reading it cover-to-cover. No skipping ahead to the article I want to read most, making sure to read every word from, even the articles I'm less-than-interested in. So, for Day 20, I read ELLE like a book.

This is a totally unnatural way to read a magazine. Seriously. It was w-a-a-a-y harder than I anticipated. My immediate reaction when picking up a fashion magazine is to skip straight to the pictures and photography, then bumble around the feature articles, stopping when I lose interest, and later getting back to the short articles in the front on fashion trends that I will never be able to afford or wear.

While reading, my attention span waned, my mind got weary, I felt like I was reading articles about things I could hardly relate to and probably never remember after I turned the page. Reading a magazine cover-to-cover is a surefire way to make your brain as exhausted as reading a textbook. And do you know how many captions there are in a fashion magazine??? Too many for reading it like a book. I made it about halfway through before tuckering out before bed. Didn't get to the big editorial pieces or the pictures. Sigh.

Overall, a cool challenge. Would I do it again? Likely, no. If I could barely keep my mind attuned to frivolity, I would assuredly fail at trying this with Time or National Geographic. Again, no one is perfect.

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