Flip Burger

Mark and I are becoming novice foodies and definitely enjoy getting out and about Atlanta to try all the restaurants our budget can afford. We've been talking about going to Top Chef Finalist Richard Blais's Flip Burger Boutique forever, and finally made it happen today. We got standard fare--burgers and fried veggies and such, but today's highlight was that I drank a milkshake made with liquid nitrogen. The concept burger joint rolls out mixed milkshakes, flash-frozen with chemicals that could easily freeze your finger off of your body.

Out of all of my delicious options like foie gras, Krispy Kreme and Nutella with burnt marshmallow, I opted for the pumpkin and chai milkshake. It was like a super pumpkin-y pumpkin spice latte mixed with a chai tea latte. A special cool treat option for a state where their hotter latte cousins cannot be enjoyed in 90 degree September temperatures.

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