
I've always thought myself the natural kind of girl. My standard make-up routine includes mascara and chap stick and I have never dyed my hair. So, I've kind of worn today's "never-have-I-ever" with the same fervor and conviction as those people who have never once smoked a puff of cigarette. Today, I applied and wore fake nails. It's true. I never wore fake nails for any reason--ever. Not even for prom in high school.

I used to be a huge judge of people who wear fake nails. I'll take my examples from two pop culture shows...like the Jersey Shore girls to whom I talk to through the television saying, "Oh, well the rest of them is fake too, why not their nails?" Another example of my judgment passing goes to the Teen Mom girls, where I am prone to think, "If you can't afford baby food, why buy a set of $40 nails every 2 weeks?"

Well you know, these little puppies, while they interfere with my computer-bound life, are kind of fun. They are a simple, relatively inexpensive pleasure that actually made me feel, might I say, glamorous. So much so, that I might keep them on a day longer than I had planned.

I opted for the DIY method for the day-long project
Not so bad looking!

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